Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Info for Boston Globe digital subscription

As promised, here's the scoop on the Globe, which is required reading. These online subscriptions are dirt cheap for a really great paper.

Go to:  BostonGlobe.com/UNH and see how it works.

Problems? Contact:

David Granai
Consumer Sales; Marketing Manager
The Boston Globe
T 617-929-2708
C 617-592-4617

More problems? Email me at marsters@unh.edu.

Monday, August 26, 2013

What is an entrepreneur?

Entrepreneurship has been defined as the ability to apply a set of behaviors, attitudes, and skills to a successful business venture (Herrmann, 2010). Lazear (2003) argues that an entrepreneur must be competent in a wide range of skills, rather than a specialist. Research also suggests that the motivation for launching a company is not merely financial, but also emotional (Wadhwa, Aggarwal, Holly, & Salkever, 2009). Gibb (2005) proposes an educational framework of entrepreneurial learning outcomes that identifies 12 key entrepreneurial capacities: opportunity seeking, initiative taking, ownership of a development, commitment to see things through, personal locus of control, intuitive decision making with limited information, networking capacity, strategic thinking, negotiation capacity, selling/persuasive capacity, achievement orientation, and incremental risk taking.

Mark Berkey-Gerard, "From Student Journalists to Local News Entrepreneurs:
A Case Study of Technically Media"

For our next class, Sept. 9

Create a new blog in Blogger. Create Twitter,  Facebook and Google+ accounts and connect to relevant contributors (try searching for "Entrepreneurial Journalism" on Google -- you will come up with plenty of people you should be following. There are more listed in various places on this blog.) Reading: Chapters 1 through 4, “Newsonomics” and Chapters 1-3, “Entrepreneurial Journalism.” Write 4 blogs each week, 150-250 words. Blogging ideas: What is journalism right now, today, and how did we get here? What does news look like on the Internet? What is your news diet? Interview five people about their news diets. What did you find? Explore niemanworld.org and talk about what you learn. Definitely read the Justin Ellis piece on journalism schools and blog about that. Find a Patch.com editor and interview that person.Think of 10 original ideas to save journalism and blog about those in one blog. Cultivate your new identity as a thinker, an innovator, a doer of great things. I may throw some other stuff your way, so pay attention to his blog.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Examples of what entrepreneurial journalists are doing


Ashley Mill Tyte on challenges of being a female journalist

Media Nation, Dan Kennedy

Micro sites

NJ Spotlight

West Seattle Blog

VT Digger

New Haven Independent
(Melissa Bailey, contact)

Small sites

The Texas Tribune

Voice of San Diego

Medium sites

Gotham Gazette

Large sites

Boston.com Metro Desk

Pro Publica

Events and organizations

Online News Association


California Watch

New England Center for Investigative Reporting

Social Media


Boston Media Tweters